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"Jak nasze życie może wkrótce wyglądać": Światowe Forum Ekonomiczne publikuje szalone dystopijne wideo
Światowe Forum Ekonomiczne opublikowało niedawno film z podpisem "Zerknij w przyszłość". Najwyraźniej przyszłość, której pragną, jest dystopijnym koszmarem, w którym dehumanizacja zostaje doprowadzona do absurdalnego poziomu.

Jak zapewne wiesz, od 2020 roku ta pandemia zatruła życie miliardów ludzi na całym świecie. Tymczasem Światowe Forum Ekonomiczne (WEF) nie może powstrzymać ekscytacji. Rzeczywiście, ta potężna, wpływowa, elitarna organizacja wciąż publikuje dziwnie optymistyczne filmy o "zaletach" i "możliwościach" COVID-19.
Na przykład w styczniu WEF opublikowało film zatytułowany "Czym jest Wielki Reset", który zasadniczo przyznaje, że wykorzystuje pandemię do wprowadzenia nowego porządku społecznego i gospodarczego. jednocześnie naśmiewając się z tych, którzy to przewidzieli. Miesiąc później WEF opublikował kolejny film zatytułowany "Blokady po cichu poprawiają miasta na całym świecie", który był niczym innym jak szaleństwem. W rzeczywistości WEF ostatecznie usunął ten film ... Ale to nie znaczy, że w to nie wierzą.
Nie trzeba dodawać, że ludzie absolutnie nienawidzą tych filmów. Są bezlitośnie lekceważeni na YouTube, a 99,85% komentarzy wyraża całkowite obrzydzenie. Ale to powstrzymało WEF przed tworzeniem kolejnych absurdów.
17 sierpnia WEF opublikowało film zatytułowany "Tak wkrótce będzie wyglądało nasze życie". I wygląda jak zwiastun dystopijnego horroru, w którym ludzie są traktowani jak odczłowieczone bydło.
Oto wideo:
Pierwszą rzeczą, którą jasno wyjaśniają, jest to, że nie chcą, abyś ty lub twoje dzieci wychodzili z domu. Chcą, abyś pracował w domu i chcą, aby twoje dzieci uczyły się w domu. I wierzą, że te zmiany będą tak trwałe, że biura będą musiały zostać zmienione, a całe dzielnice będą musiały zostać przeprojektowane.

Nie chcą nawet, żebyś wychodził z domu po jedzenie. Ponadto chcą, abyś nosił maskę we własnym domu, kiedy dostaniesz to jedzenie. "Usługi oparte na analizie" oznaczają, że duże firmy technologiczne będą analizować Twoje wyszukiwania w Internecie i nawyki konsumpcyjne, aby "przewidzieć", czego chcesz i wysłać to do Ciebie.

To samo.
Jeśli zdecydujesz się zaszaleć i faktycznie wyjść z domu, aby spotkać się z innymi ludźmi, chcą, aby było tak:

Jeśli spotkasz drugiego człowieka, to z płynem do dezynfekcji rąk i trwałymi maskami. Nie zapomnij zeskanować tego kodu QR, aby dokładnie wiedzieli, gdzie jesteś i z kim się spotykasz.
Będą również chcieli śledzić cię w najbardziej przerażający sposób.

Nienawidzę każdego słowa w tym zdaniu.
Według WEF maski będą rzeczą trwałą. Z tego powodu ich cenne systemy rozpoznawania twarzy również nie będą działać. Więc jakie jest rozwiązanie? Skończyć z maskami, bo pandemie są przejściowe? Oczywiście, że nie. Skończyć ze śledzeniem osób? Oszalałeś? Ich odpowiedź: strzelaj laserami prosto w nasze serca i słuchaj uderzeń naszego serca, aby nas zidentyfikować. Tak, to najbardziej szalona odpowiedź na to pytanie i to właśnie umieścili w swoim filmie.
Te pełzacze są również "laserowo skoncentrowane" na naszych dzieciach. Chcą je kształtować i formować zgodnie ze swoimi dystopijnymi zasadami. Z tego powodu WEF promuje stałą naukę zdalną na ekranach.

Chcą, aby twoje dzieci były zamknięte w domu, wpatrując się w ekrany przez cały dzień.
Chociaż nauka zdalna była katastrofalna dla rozwoju i dobrego samopoczucia psychicznego dzieci, WEF chce, aby stała się trwała. Aby sprzedać ten szalony pomysł, twierdzą, że "poprawi to ich umiejętności cyfrowe".
To najsłabszy argument, jaki kiedykolwiek słyszałem na temat czegokolwiek w moim życiu. Dzisiejsze dzieci absolutnie nie muszą "doskonalić swoich umiejętności cyfrowych". Uczą się, jak korzystać z telefonów i tabletów, zanim faktycznie nauczą się chodzić. Jeśli już, muszą zmniejszyć swoje "umiejętności cyfrowe" o kilka stopni i zwiększyć swoje umiejętności "wyjdź na zewnątrz i ubrudź się" o kilka stopni.
WEF doskonale wie, że dzieci muszą się bawić, socjalizować i komunikować z innymi dziećmi, aby prawidłowo się rozwijać. Nie chcą jednak, aby dzieci prawidłowo się rozwijały. To przerażająca, przerażająca prawda o ich programie. Chcą zaprzeczyć istotnym elementom rozwoju dziecka, aby stworzyć człowieka, jakiego chcą żyć w swoim dystopijnym społeczeństwie.

Naprawdę chcą, aby histeria COVID była trwała.
Podobnie jak poprzednie filmy WEF, ten został przyjęty z powszechnym obrzydzeniem. Oto kilka odpowiedzi na Twitterze na wideo (nie wybrałem ich, dosłownie wszystkie są takie).
Jak mogliście zauważyć, te filmy mnie denerwują, tak jak denerwują prawie każdego, kto je ogląda. I to z kilku powodów. Po pierwsze, kto głosował za czymkolwiek z tego? Czy ktoś widział nazwisko Klausa Schwaba – szefa WEF – na jakiejkolwiek karcie wyborczej? Oczywiście, że nie. W rzeczywistości Schwab od lat pracuje nad demontażem narodowych demokracji.
Schwab jako wydawca raportu Światowego Forum Ekonomicznego "Global Redesign" z 2010 r. postuluje, że zglobalizowany świat najlepiej zarządzać koalicją międzynarodowych korporacji, rządów (w tym poprzez system ONZ) i wybranych organizacji społeczeństwa obywatelskiego (CSO). Argumentuje, że rządy nie są już "przytłaczająco dominującymi aktorami na arenie światowej" i że "nadszedł czas na nowy paradygmat interesariuszy międzynarodowego zarządzania". Wizja WEF obejmuje "publiczno-prywatną" ONZ, w której niektóre wyspecjalizowane agencje działałyby w ramach wspólnych państwowych i niepaństwowych systemów zarządzania.
Według Transnational Institute (TNI), Forum planuje zatem zastąpić uznany model demokratyczny modelem, w którym wybrana przez siebie grupa "interesariuszy" podejmuje decyzje w imieniu obywateli. Think tank podsumowuje, że coraz częściej wkraczamy w świat, w którym zgromadzenia takie jak Davos są "cichym globalnym zamachem stanu" mającym na celu przejęcie rządów.
– Wikiepdia, Klaus Schwab
Po drugie, każdy film WEF bez ironii promuje pozbawiony radości, wolności świat, w którym wszystko, co sprawia, że życie jest warte życia, jest zakazane. Chcą, abyś pozostał w domu, podczas gdy oni wyciągają od ciebie to, czego potrzebują, korzystając z technologii. Chcą wyszkolić twoje dzieci, aby były takie same. Nie chcą, abyś wędrował zbyt daleko od domu, a jeśli to zrobisz, chcą cię śledzić na poziomie biologicznym. Szczególnie nie chcą, abyś wchodził w interakcje z innymi ludźmi w normalny sposób, ponieważ może to wzbudzić w tobie trochę człowieczeństwa.
Czy tak chcesz żyć? Czy to jest świat, w którym chcesz, aby twoje dzieci dorastały? Jeśli nie, musimy aktywnie odrzucić każdą próbę urzeczywistnienia ich planów, na każdym możliwym poziomie.

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Właśnie pokonałem COVID i chociaż miałem dość zły przypadek, który trwał prawie trzy tygodnie, wciąż jestem zdumiony, że cała planeta została zablokowana przez to, co jest zasadniczo grypą. Jest rażąco oczywiste, że jest to wysiłek na pełną skalę w celu kontrolowania społeczeństwa, a paszporty szczepionkowe są kamieniem węgielnym planu. Nie dostałem szczepionki, ale moja żona tak, a ona nadal chorowała tak samo jak ja. Nic w tej "pandemii" nie ma dla mnie sensu. Słupki bramki są ciągle przesuwane i wierzę, że wynikające z tego zamieszanie jest częścią planu.
Ciekawe, skąd wiedziałeś, że to covid? Kilka miesięcy temu miałem coś, co myślę, że było covidem. Trwało to około dwóch tygodni. Ale nie poddałem się testom, ponieważ słyszałem, że ci to dadzą. Poza tym nie lubię, gdy ludzie mnie dotykają.
Test jest używany w sposób niszczący. Pozytywne fałszywe wyniki zawsze nazywane są "masz to", podczas gdy potwierdzają tylko modyfikację, która mogła nastąpić kilka miesięcy wcześniej, a nawet z innej przyczyny.
Nadal nie mogą wyprodukować wyróżnionego covid / corona, więc nie mówmy o niuansach między delta / oryginalnymi / nowymi wariantami.
Czy wszystkie pobrane próbki DNA są usuwane po "inspekcji"?
Czy też są one czasami używane w bazie danych powiązanej z telefonami, rejestracjami internetowymi i kablowymi, informacjami szkolnymi i wydarzeniami, informacjami zdrowotnymi i wszystkimi połączonymi relacjami międzyludzkimi? Nie wiem.. ale myślę, że wiem, czego się spodziewać.
Jeśli wygrają,
I like the way you think. Just what I was thinking.
Also the hydragel on the q–tip they jam up peoples noses (also an ancient Egyptian torture ritual of sorts, breaking the seal of something, causing victims to die about two years after) has some nasty components, graphine or graphite idk this creepy growing black thing.) The test itself could be why people experience a loss pf taste/smell. When we have a headcold or a stuffy nose, it affects our smell and taste. Why would it be any different with a big q-tip coated in wtf being jammed up the nasal cavity? At any rate, I was out running errands one day and passed by a guy who was freaking out to his female companion “WTF did they do to me?!? I sneezed and snot bubbled outta my eye!!! Wtf did they do to me?!?! I sneezed and snot bubbled out of my eye!!!!!” I can only assume he got tested and somebody literally went too far. A walk-in clinic was nearby, as was a pharmacy. I pray this was a temporary issue for him and that he’s doing much better now. I cannot imagine living a life in fear of sneezing like that. We’ve all had colds and wondered where… Read more »
They jam the swab up into the cribiform plate, a very delicate part of the blood/brain barrier. Damage to this bone can be extremely serious, so imagine some twit jamming this thing up there. Not happening to me.
My sister is an OB/GYN MD, and says they get tested by SPITTING IN A DISH. Apparently jabbing a swab in the nasal cavity isn’t necessary, or even digging it into the back of your throat, that IS a good way to get DNA, and insert biological warfare agents like graphene etc. Apparently many of the masks have graphene too, and the “vaccines” are loaded with it. and have some excellent information.
Of course graphene would be used in swabs and masks. It’s paper thin, extremely strong and antibacterial, which is VERY good for you and the medical professionals. Graphene is the material of the future. Stronger than steel while being as light as a feather. It keeps bacteria off of the mask and ensures that the swab doesn’t INSERT nasty bacteria inside of your snozz. It’s not some mysterious thing, it’s literally just a single sheet of graphite or on a more basic level; Carbon. But this single sheet of carbon atoms has a huge potential in many scientific fields and real world applications. So many that the scientists that discovered it won the Nobel prize in 2010.
Don’t breath in through the tissue, only out. The particles small in it, one can see if one leaves a tissue in a washing-dryer.. it falls apart to sticky dust.
i doubt they are collecting dna samples. A vaccine takes 5 years if i’m not mistaken. i not a conspiracy theorist but my best guess they are using the vaccines to run human trials. some are probably given the real virus and some are given a placebo. its given me tuskgee experiment and that is one of the reason why many black people have not gotten the vaccine
That is exactly what it is, a massive clinical trial. Vaccines, even modern ones take more than 5 years.
I grew up in Alabama and that is one of my factors for not getting the jab.
i am really scared of what you have written.I have never thought about what they do with our dna.but it could be true.they store our information everywhere .but god , it takes them a lot of energy and money just to store our dna ?what for ?we are too numerous
Cary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test said that it was NEVER supposed to be used to test for any virus. He also said that Fauci was a fraud and most scientists fudged research results in order to keep their jobs. Coincidentally, he died right before the covid outbreak.
Got covid a year ago and still didn’t get my taste and smell back the way it was. It’s horrible. They created this mutated virus to ruin us. I can’t even realize when there is a gas leak or fire. I basically have new smell and new taste and nothing is the same.
I had that in 2018, alll the symptoms – would you call it covid? Everybody called it flue.
Loss of smell occurs for decades with flue and colds, if nt centuries.
Covid? Really?
It’s not the same at all. I’m prone to those and after having Delta the taste and smell thing is drastically different.
Drink parsley water, you can prepare it at home, just boil water first then add fresh parsley, turn off and let it simmer, drink at least four cups a day for several days it helps restore your system,
Another thing is to eat the most nutrient dense foods possible. Liver is one such food. We cut it thin and freeze it. Then take a tablespoon’s worth out every day, cut it up and swallow it like a pill. Take more if you are sick. Really seems to help. Lots of natural Vitamin A & D
Yes, confired. My smell and taste changed a lot in 2018 in context of more causes. And never fully recovered yet.
I do notice a lot of smells other people are not aware of, in some miracle way I am annoyed by a lot, even though I like or liked them. Some molecules do not fight rightly anymore it seems.
That sure has had impact on everything I choose to eat too, I noticed. That is probably the same for all. Reminder of what and how you eat – it did have effect on my pickings for quite some time.
See holistic chiropractor immediately. I know one in CA that could help, not sure where you are. Many chiros are used to being downplayed while healing their patients of various diseases, so most are on board with how ridiculous this whole scamdemic is. If you find one dig their brain first. Don’t settle for anyone who’s on board with this shit.
It’s funny how the ‘flu disappeared last year, isn’t it? Did the Covid eat the ‘flu or what? The husband and myself had a bad dose over Christmas and NY of 2019 and haven’t had any infections since, despite Himself being prone to chest infections. Did we have the Covid or was it just a nasty cold? Lord knows but it did seem to give our immune systems a good work-out, lol! As for the existence of Covid, my jury is still out; on the one hand I would not put it past the CCP to engineer a virus in a lab and leak it either by negligence or design, but on the other, our world is run by psychopaths, and psychopaths lie, so it could just be the seasonal ‘flu and which can and always has killed the elderly and vulnerable, not that that excuses the malevolent neglect of the poor souls in the nursing homes!
TBH, I suspect we won’t find out the full truth of it all this side of Eternity. Meanwhile, all we can do is refuse PCR tests, and definitely refuse all the so-called “vaccines”.
How I wish the world will know Islam not the few bad Muslims. For only in Islam shall the know peace.
Come to Jesus Love, he’s the prince of peace and the only one who can save this world from itself and Satans schemes. God bless you!
Sorry to hear that. I hope you get it back in time. Keep prayiing.
Try detox with black oxygenated organics, fulvic humic acid. Drink it and apply directly to tongue. Blessings.
Me too. Loss of taste and smell were my only symptoms. But when I got my smell and taste back, almost everything now stinks and tastes really bad. It’s been like this for a few months now so I don’t think I’ll ever get back to normal.
I had the same thing after contracting covid last year then realised a few months later the horrible smell and taste were caused by a tonsil stone that was formed while I had covid. My smell and taste went back to normal after the tonsil stone came out.
My dad is the same way 8 months out and he can hardly taste or smell anything and it’s made him quite depressed.
So sorry. Zinc is supposed to help get senses back more quickly. Also, a pathologist said that it is well know that Ivermectin helps with those long term side effects. You can take it well after your initial bout with cov.d.
Ivermectin is actually what everybody SHOULD be taking. It’s proven that people who took it for other reasons (ie. Scabies outbreak at an assisted living place.) either didn’t get covid AT ALL! Or had very light symptoms -NONEdied or needed to be intubated! It is apparently very inexpensive to make. But, what has happened-several things really-i believe “they”(the Elite) are trying to lower population levels whilst they line their pockets. So they make deals with the BigPharma Elite and pick this expensive ass “vaccine” which IN ITSELF is going go cause population levels to drop in other ways. They have been planning this for YEARS! It’s so obvious
Sorry, but that is a really irresponsible suggestion. It amazes me that people who would refuse the vaccination would be so quick to jump at alternatives such as this. Caleb Wallace and his father Russ both took this for a week and both still ended up in the hospital: Russ for 13 days and Caleb a month until his passing. His father is still on oxygen at home, btw.
They are still researching the uses and doses of ivermectin in humans. Its purpose is to kill parasites in cattle. Anyhow The flu, and covid19 are viruses not parasites.
Please be careful.
Ivermectin has been used for humans for decades.
Actually people in African countries known for West Nile and more exposure to certain bugs and parasites have used it as treatment. It’s not new at all. Just look that up
just wondering if you had pcr used on you? Damage to nasal passages can result in loss of smell which will automatically affect taste
Try black seed oil. I had one teaspoon blackseed oil with honey 3 to 4 times a day. Now i dont have any symptoms. It is said to be a cure for everything except death by prophet Muhammad(pbuh)
I have used CBD for years.
Via drops of extract in hemp-oil without thc and via smoking with thc.
It acts like a wonder-oil. If you are sceptic, just use it on a piece of rashed skin or when having gum issues, dandruft etc, then one can see almost immediate effect. Healing too.
The soothing brain effect from weed including thc is a bonus for me, for others it might be annoying or distracting.
(Certainly one should not drive cars, handle knives or go to work on thc, by the way !).
Same. You have parosmia now. My taste and smell is distorted and unbearable now.
My wife bought tests from the store. She also took my son to a drive through testing site. We all tested positive. Thankfully my five year old son was only sick for one day.
testing your 5 year old? your sick mind is part of the problem!
It was required for him to return to school. I see no problem getting him tested. Vaccination I do have an issue with.
The swab, according to the box they arrive in, states that they have EO on the tip. EO is ethylene oxide and it is cancerous. Please do your own research, so you can see it for yourself. These children depend on their parents to do what is best for them.
Please read these words very carefully. You do not HAVE “it”, NOBODY has “it”, had “it” or died from “it”. It does not exist, and the “test” is not a test for illness. This information has been out since last spring, and yet people persist in buying into the narrative. Stop using their words. Stop thinking there’s a new illness, THERE IS NOT. You guys have the same illnesses you’ve always had. Getting “tested” does not give you anything except some toxic metals, it is a totally false test that has nothing whatsoever to do with looking for illness. The cdc itself has many times said this, and yet people do not listen. They are lying to you about everything, stop giving them power by buying into their narrative.
Well I never really bought into it. I agree with what you are saying though. Fortunately VC is around so at least we have a chance to get common sense from individuals willing to try and tell some truth.
That’s not true. Covid is real. It’s a bioweapon that acts weird and is unpredictable. Some people experience almost nothing, some like a cold, some like a bad flu, some end up in emergency within days, and more die than from the flu. I know people who were sick and are still recovering for months and don’t have the same health anymore.
Its real, probably different in different places. And just because there is something manufactured going around it doesnt mean we should be scared, believe the politicians and get vaccinated.
I had it a year ago and it was certainly weird, first day fever, weakness and all that, then for the next 3 days it was absolutely nothing followed by running nose for 2 days and finally stuffed nose and loss of smell. Weird for sure.
Nope, it isn’t real. This is a rebranding campaign, and society has collective amnesia about how they and others have been getting sick their whole lives. The flu is not the same for everyone, and people have always died from the flu. It is not contagious, never has been. In fact, NO CONTAGION HAS EVER BEEN PROVEN. There’s no bioweapon except for the injections that are nothing more than poison that kill and injure people, just like every other “vaccine” that has ever been made. There is no proof of any virus ever making anyone ill, and furthermore the “test” they’re using to tell people they “have it” does not test for illness and is 100% false. If you desperately want to believe that this is real, then I suggest you find the proof of it. If you want to know the truth rather than believing what the media tells you, start at and listen very carefully to the real scientific evidence of what really makes you ill.
It’s the vax that’s the weapon, not “covid”
i agree, i had to do a test so i could fly w a friend to get her visas in Hermosillo, Mx, i’m sure that since i answered i was going on a trip in the form requested by the lab as to what it was needed for, it came back negative, but same day other people who said their doctor asked for it, came back positive, i saw it first hand, its just right in front of us The Truth, a big $scam!
By the way, those “results” were never asked for in the airport at departure or arrival this is just money talking, isnt it? so bad,
May I ask where did you travel? In USA? I’m planning in Europe and can’t stand thought of this long swab up my brain…. thanks
I travel within México, from Los Cabos to Hermosillo, sorry cant tell you about intl travel, maybe your travel agent or the airline might, cheers, yeah it’s a long swab i won’t do it again,
Thanks for answering anyways,
My friend had one and said they’ve put something in end of it cause it burnt his nostril,,,like acetone he said, other friend’s son brain barrier was damaged, brrrrrrrrr, I don’t include some theories going around what those swabs are really about etc, …for me just logically it doesn’t make sense ( apart from it that tests are absolutely bogus) to go out of the way and use invasive procedure instead of fast and safe spit test , which I know were often used too, one must wonder real reason for it….
You should be able to request saliva testing now. They are eliminating the nasal swabs
Irmão,impressionante como nossas ideias batem ,somos minoria infelizmente.
honestly, I haven’t had the” flu” in 32 years. I never get a flu shot. But I did have something. The symptoms were like what is listed for covid…I think they unleashed something
Over a decade of increasing global cloudseeding.
Those who saw it, published their findings, observations and predicted, predicted rightly.
Health issues were high on all lists. Breathing, nose throat, senses, nerve systems. Hearts getting in trouble with normal activities in normally healthy people. It all fits. Combine it with low-leveled microwave-like phone-sgnals getting through everywhere including flesh and bood – no escape.
I noticed it too and can only agree on all points. All.
I had SOMETHING that’s going around that is MUCH worse than any other IT I’ve ever had. Not sure where you’re coming from…Have you had whatever illness it is? It feels different, you lose taste and smell completely FOR MONTHS which has never happened with any other chest cold I’ve had.
Then how do you explain the numerous deaths around the world? I can say that several neighbors of mine died of it during the same month, a coworker lost her aunt and almost her mother at the same time. My cousin had it and she says she almost died after denying COVID existed. She came to my house when it all started saying it was a lie, that if we got sick we should avoid going to the hospital because there they would kill us claiming it was COVID. Well… she asked her family to take her to the hospital when her lungs couldn’t take it anymore. Now she has severe lung damage. COVID is real… What I think is it was lab-made in an attempt to reduce global population and test how quickly this weapon will kill and how to use it to their advantage.
How many with the severe loss of smell took the COVID test with the cotton swab all the way up your nose? Just wondering.
I never took a test and lost taste and smell for 3 months.
Yes I agree. I’m scared of people touching me and I am afraid that as perfectly healthy adult I’m going to get infected with testing.
My whole family got sick too. It was like the common cold. No one is vaccinated here. Lasted about a week. People are brainwashed, unfortunately
Good for you, happy to hear it Cee. Others were asymptomatic and spreading, others were not so lucky and ended up on ventilators for months, coming close to death, whereas others succumbed. You and everyone else should be glad to be so fortunate.
No cause for fear, but we should all respect life. All life.
This virus was patented 20 years ago. That should tell you something.
It does, PB. It detracts from the ELE that happened 10 years ago.
Are you referring to Fukushima?
I am referring to an unmitigated triple nuclear meltdown.
This virus was created to bring the vaccines out, :{
Ventilator is a horrible treatment for this “plandemic” bioweapon
For some people it’s pneumonia not a cold. I met somebody who had it last year. It was like the worst kind of flu for him and he wasn’t hospitalised. He was one of the lucky ones.
Remember<. COVID means Certificate of Valid ID 2020, 21, 22, &so on, i too got sick too, on june last year, it was my birthday week and went out w my family and nothing happened, actually i had a funtastic time, thankful for the doctors at a low cost Pharmacy independent from gov. who wrote it as Laringihtis and Faringhitis hope that makes sense, i was more afraid of going out (last year) but had to, since i’m single and live alone, had to do my errands and normal life, coz i hated it took me some time to overcome anxiety of having to do “the rituals” xD er protocols, it’s been a year no jab all good 4 me at least, Best,
If you think that you had COVID they have already won that mind game with you. Maybe you got something that they have been spraying above you every day. In fact you don’t know what you had, but it seems that you do know what you’re going to get.
What exactly did I have that was unlike any other sickness I’ve ever had? I didn’t get tested but had a major chest cold with loss of taste and smell for 3 months?
It disturbs me that the new variant is named Delta, the sane code word for a mind controlled assassin in MK Uktra. And the Greek letter Delta is a triangle, like the Satanic Illuminati pyramid symbol.
You think it can be related to the troops being brought back? Or is a coincidence only? I just find the timing weird, it was always a useless war but bringing them now home might serve for a different purpose? I know it was established a few years back but they could have easily postponed it, especially looking at the mess they left behind.
I think, they plundered most of the mineral mines by now, left them mostly empty. So no reason to invest extra billions, just for the sake of freedom or safety for people living there. Maybe China and Russia will take part this time for the next round of transforming the region.
As for the heroine in this area, maybe that is by now largely replaced by bio-synth products from dna/gmo engineering, like with other things nature originally had plants for to make it..?
And/or.. a lack of hard drugs on the black market would certainly could leave an extra layer of unrest and chaos in our suburbias and downtowns. The switch to using chems from streetcorners (and the promotion via media headlines on victims and results, while mentioning the ‘benefits’) has been going on for years, too.
Threads combined form a fabric.
“ it was always a useless war but bringing them now home might serve for a different purpose? “
One major goal, if not the major goal, for removing the troops out of Afghanistan was to wash our tax money back into the hands of the terrorist security elite in that country – Isis.
Just a few years ago our Administration proclaimed that Isis was defeated, which was an obvious lie – and now we have put them back in control of the country and “armed them to the teeth” in the process by leaving them with billions of dollars of military hardware that US citizens paid for with tax money.
Their purpose was just to re-invent that war – the goal is a never-ending war.
I had it last August and it wasnt that bad. I know over 6 people and weball had flu like symptoms. The worst was my 65 years old aunt who felt like a truck drove over her for some days, but nothing worst than a 10 days flu.
When I last had ‘the actual Flu’…1989…I was on my arse for three weeks, one and half of which, I was convinced on a daily basis I surely was going to die. Nothing I’ve ever read or seen (have known several people who’ve experienced the same as you describe) leads me to believe that Fauxvid-1984 is any different. It is about the elite stealing a United States Election for President, and it is about control.
That’s great that you didn’t get a bad case. My sister was on a ventilator however she’s in her late 30s. One thing I can’t stand is people who had “Covid” and think just because they’re case wasn’t bad must mean the rest of the world is lying. Call me the “Illuminati” if you want. Invalidating other people based on your own experiences isn’t right in my opinion.
The body’s condition was sabotaged for years with various techniques.
How did you feel for the last year before covid?
When I asked, many already had deminished conditions. Ran fewer miles, eventhough not being over forty or so.
Overhere in The Netherlands, in ten years time there are 20% more populaton who were having breathing problems and thus heart conditions (!!!!) pre-covid/corona.
Children who have not smoked, astma, allergies, all booming for a decade already.
News about Teenagers Dropping Dead on Sportsfields already was making headlines here too, but now after mass vaccinations, those too are blooming more deadly than ever.
5g enters and hurts the body slowly and minute : the body starts to fight to live and has little left for extremes anymore. Flue always was extreme !
Mind that all aswell, before you make someone else out for a non-truth-accepter too.
This thing they propose is completely unworkable and they know it. It’s just another instance of their blatantly satanic gaslighting – they want us to feel powerless against them. And as soon as they demoralize enough people, they will reveal the Antichrist who will promise to end all this (cure viruses, end “global warming”, etc.) if only enough people decide to follow him.We clearly in the run-up to the Big Show, so let’s stay close to God, pray, and do not allow these vile creatures to perturb us even in the slightest.
The Great Reset I think is a preparation for plugging people into the matrix. Also it’s very likely that chemtrails have contributed to rising temperatures and yes the Antichrist is on the way.
Total gaslighting.
A bit ashamed to say I got caught up in it one day when I saw an ad with a ton of happy people doing all kinds of happy things in literal plastic white boxes, with huge celebratory smiles on their face, and the message “What are you doing during the pandemic?”
I thought “Oh, am I supposed to be all happy in my little box?” and felt guilty that I didn’t.
Finally I realized that the ad was pushing people living in a plastic white boxes, and that’s just fucked up. Started going to the park every day and not letting myself live in their agenda. Just like VC says in this article!
Can’t take this crap anymore, I don’t even trying to imagine what next. I am watching videos and reading blogs but still can’t believe what is going on. It’s like people already accepted it, like nothing really happened. Even it is a tyranny, but people are accepting it. Today at store one customer and one clerk announced to me proudly “ I am vaccinated“. Am I living in parallel universe? Maybe is because this whole thing messed up with my nervous system, I noticed how my memory is terrible now, I can’t think clearly, can’t focus, I don’t remember simplest things. Before, my focus was sharp ( I am not old ) Last two years wow ! 2 years already ! It was a constant stress…. Anyway, what we are going to do? I wish God, the Holy Spirit would give me some clues. They are building “fema camps” in my country, estimated date to finish the project is spring 2022. It’s total satanic insanity. Greetings to people from France ( I love France, I miss you, I already accepted that I will never visit again) and also Australian folks !!!! I am thinking of all of people like myself… Read more »
Hang in there. If you believe in God, you know that He will win in the end.
This is true. But it’s gotta wax worse and worse before it gets better…
Ugh. Can we start by improving our mindset?
I’m working on aligning my heart with God’s.
Hey, I use a spiritual tuneup. How does that work?
@ Lisaq
Good for you!
I love to hear this!
Solomons Temple was a physical representation of YHWH’s Spiritual Temple.
There are many lessons in the design – this has been known for centuries.
The desisgn of Solomon’s Temple indicates very clearly how a believer can align their heart and mind with that of The Almighty.
It’s too much to post here – VC only allows 10k words – besides, there are a few drawings of the Temple that has to be seen in order to be understood – I’ll provide chapter and verse to accompany the Temple drawings.
I’d be glad to share it with you if you are interested – Joseph Bandler, fb.
Afterwards, we can cancel communications, no problem – just wanting to share, that’s all.
Incredible. I had no idea. thank you very nuch.
This is amazing insight. Why isn’t this taught in every church? Thank you for this, Branch and for friending me
Please write a book, Branch. I’m 82 yrs old and been a Christian all of my life and I’ve never heard this degree of bible knowledge before. Write a book. God bless you friend
Thanks Walt – glad you enjoyed it.
May YHWH cause His face to shine upon you!
“Because you have kept My word of perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of the testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who live on the earth.” (Revelation 3:10) This is the hour of God’s testing and final judgment. God is using Satan as His tool, the spirit that is now at work in those who are disobedient. We all know Satan cannot do anything without God’s permission. God is separating the wheat from the tares. Let’s keep our eyes on God, guard our hearts, and seek Him and His will.
Amen. We cannot prevent what has already been predicted in God’s Word. Instead we need to become prepared. These are signs that point to Jesus’ eventual return. Accept Him as your Saviour and Lord!
You’re not alone! I’ve see a definite line forming between the awoken, conscious, alive personalities versus the 1/2 who are unknowingly aiding the control matrix. It’s not a physical fight but a battle for truth happening. We who defend civil and human rights against authoritarian fascism must stay vocal!
Australia is the most hellish country at the moment. France and the Netherlands, come next, but I think France is worse now. The Netherlands law enforcement is very violent, though, and I feel for you Dutch people, D D d.
I can only think of the World Wide Rallies right now, something practical we could all take part in. The more people that join it, the more people will be brave to do so. We are strong in numbers. I saw an Australian riding a horse during one demonstration, saying that they can’t arrest us all, and that’s true.
Unfortunately, some get hurt when the tyrannical law enforcement get them, but it’s best to get hurt and beat up than getting locked up for life, I think.
Yes, I saw a video where French women was not allowed to the grocery store and two big foreign bodyguards pushed her away ( The Camp of The Saints by Jean Raspail came to mind) and she pushed back! Good for her! But so what ! No jab, no grocery! Sick. I also saw a video of people in French cafes proudly showing this stupid covid passports , shame on them! F cafes, although, we should be allowed to go where we want, it I don’t understand how some people decide to take it just to go to the cinema or vacation. Well…
I’ve watched those! I also watched one on which the same people barricaded that store, and another of a large group of people “invading” another one. I don’t know how long this will go for. I’m looking forward to when Macron et friends will give up.
I live in Australia and the government is just a show of tyranny! Just last week, at a peaceful protest for freedom, the police (riot squad actually) shot the unarmed people with rubber bullets, pepper sprayed women and children and forcefully arrested many. We have the whole state of NSW (millions of people) in the strictest lockdowns at the moment, being told that they will only be released once they are double jabbed! I cannot believe that out liberties and medical freedom is being held ransom like this! For those of you overseas, please make sure you watch and heed what is happenning to Australia – in two days we are having a nationwide strike/protest in the hopes that our government will back down. I hope that it’s effective in some way, please pray for Australia.
I really feel for all of ye in NSW at the moment and of course I’ll pray for ye! My young fella and some mates were hoping to go to Oz for a few months or a year, as many young Irish people have been doing for a while but that’s all out now as yer man from Quantas ( a Dublin fella, shame on him!) won’t allow unjabbed on his feckin jumbo jets! Himself told me he’s glad they didn’t go now and and so am I! They’d be 1000s of miles away from home and not allowed do the things they went to Oz to do! I’d be in bits for fear they’d never get home or be locked up or something!
I’ve an aunt in Oz and I’ve visited her twice. How in the name of all that’s Holy did Australia, which seems like a place full of down-to-Earth, hardy people who love their freedom and some even a small bit wild, end up like this?
Hi, Eep. Yes, I’ve seen all you’ve mentioned. It’s really surreal what you and other countries are going through at the moment. I’m afraid that, when Jair Bolsonaro, our president (Brazil) leaves office, we’ll follow the tyrannical pathway. Unfortunately, most of our politicians and citizens have a copy-paste mentality: if Europe and the US are doing it, then you must follow, because, since they are 1st world, they must be right and ahead of us on everything. Bolsonaro is the one who has been trying to hold back on this, but the São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro mayors are already immitating what they are seeing happening in France. I truly hope that the truckies strike tomorrow will be joined by other sectors of the Australian society. I know it is dangerous right now, but something must be done! We just cannot let them prevail! I think your government is this bold because you are an island, I don’t know… May the heavy hand of God lay upon these satanic tyrannical leaders and fill them with fear. May they turn against each other and may they flee, like we’ve seen in the Old Testament. In the end, they cannot prevail.… Read more »
Bolsonaro is far right and hell bent on destroying the Brazilian rainforest.
I’m in new zealand and this shooting of citizens was censored out of our news broadcasts. They have shot at their own people in Holland too.
It is now the first day of spring 2022. Can you tell us what has happened now? I hope your update is fairly positive at the least! We pray for you here in the U.S.
Exit babylon
What you describe here gives me cold chilles.of reginition…My nervous system feels differentand is damaged, but even before 2020,..started around 2018,..that It felt like I was losing connection with my ,higher self, my inner be-ing..loss of memory ,and intuition..yes,.loss of problems related to loss of smell and 5 sences all together…in march 2020 they placed the 5G towers also here in Amsterdam, just 2 blocks away ..the constant radiation,..the food , bad chemicals/metals in the air we breathe all day ..its a combination of so many poisons we,re bombared with every single day and night..what I,m most concerned with is the feeling of , being out of reality..because this is not my reality! But some psychopaths..and they force their reality on all of us..its really a war on our minds, but this started way before agenda 21..
Take care dear brothers and sisters around the world,and in different states,.we,re in ” these metal state” all together..
Where I live, I noticed this:
whenever I got/get feeling bad/unhappy/outragedly annoyed/quicly irrtated….
.. I hear/heared there were more people yelling outside (‘disturbed ones’) // more children were screaming louder when playing (not funny loud, frustrated loud) // dogs barked with different intonations // the following days a lot more sirens all day and nights from ambulances / firetrucks / police but Mostly Ambulances //….
Is that recognisable too?
The best thing you can do is to not have fear. Fear is the driver of all of this. Be empowered instead & do whatever you can to stop the tyranny from the ones in “power” & spread the word of truth to people you can trust & not judge you. People that still have some critical thinking skills left. As I’m writing this to you it is the first day of spring 2022. I hope your camps did not come to fruition & you are safe & free. Blessings from U.S. Sending love………….